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Please follow arrows in the map below when dropping off students in the morning.


Parent drop-off begins: 8:45am
Tardy bell: 9:00am

Attention FES Parents..
•When dropping students off in the morning, please be sure they are ready to go as we cannot have the flow of traffic backed up. 
•Students should not be dropped off before 8:45am.
•Students arriving at 9:00am or after need to be signed in at the kiosk.

Parent Pick-up: 
Afternoon Preschool students circle 3:15pm.
K-2 and older siblings in bus lot beginning at 3:25pm.
3-5 in staff lot beginning at 3:25pm.

Bus Students:
Start dismissing at 3:30pm.

When your child normally rides the bus and is going to be Parent pick-up, PLEASE send a note for the teacher in the morning. This will help avoid unnecessary interruptions to the classrooms with phone calls from the office. If there is an emergency and the decision for parent pick-up is not made until later in the day, you may be asked to come into the office to pick up your child. This is for the safety of your children as well as  orderly dismissals. If a call about a change in transportation must be made, PLEASE call the school office BY 1:00 p.m.

K-2 students are picked up at the sidewalk to the left side of the building (library side). Park in the lot and walk up to the sidewalk to pick up your child.

3-5 students are picked up along the sidewalk to the right side of the building where the staff park. Pull into the line using the last entrance (marked deliveries) and wait in line as parents pull along the sidewalk and pick up their children. For safety, please do not drive out and around other cars once your student is secured in your car.